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Shops with more then 100 listings

Hi guys! I finally listed over 100 items and I have read on here that once you list over 100 items your sales increase. So if you've already reached that milestone - did it help significantly, a little, or none at all?


I have over 1700 items in my shop, and have found that I did better at the following milestones: 100, 500, 1000 and 1500. I don't know if it is the quantity that helped, or if the shop becomes more relevant at those points.


Just finally hit over 2000 items - and listing more! LOL!


I'm at 800 and counting, I can assure you that the more you list the more you will sell! Good luck!


Our sales were more regular once we got over 100 listings. We have been working to get over 200, but sales keeps bringing us back down below again.


240, the more the merrier! :)


i have over 100 ( 136 to be exact) and yes it does help with sales!


I have over 1,000 items listed. Sales are just now picking up on a regular basis. Sometimes the quantity will bring you sales but it really depends on the items you have in your store also.


I have 60 and already feel the difference. Need to list more this month, fingers crossed it will work as still no sales this month


I have 300 listings and still only one sale a month.


Hello from austria - now I have more then 100 Listings - hope on good sells


I reached 400 in 3 weeks, just reopened my shop and i got 3 sales sofar, its not much but i just got started 3 weeks ago


1st Milestone reached :) Hope it will boost views and sales, thats always helpful :)

Any critique and help will be most appreciated, feel free to stop by :)


I'm torn between listing as many items as possible, but also wanting to remove items I no longer like! I'd be interested to know if the more items you have, the better your shop performs...versus having a shop full of mediocre items.


I can't say that reaching that 100 item mark made much difference for me. I am not just over 200 and hoping that will help. But I think it really depends on what you sell and how much demand there is for it. I do think that adding or renewing one listing a day does help so focus on that.


I have over 5000 and still adding more just doing my best ....


I have over 150 item's listed , i feel that i have had to do alot of sitting at the pc to get the views by creating a blog for my stock and have done a lot of click sharing , i had 4 sales in one day first in a long time .I have a lot of unique items and hope business picks up after the summer holidays. :D


I am over 100 so hopefully sales improve!

Congrats, Shannon! Way to go!


very true

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