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So much to learn - Your suggested priorities requested

I'm working to earn college tuition. I work hard, but feel like I spin my wheels sometimes. There is so much to know and keep straight in my brain! Question for discussion: What do you feel are the TOP PRIORITIES or NEED-TO-KNOW tips/strategies to manage your online shops?


Hi Noah! I would say the TOP priorities would be good SEO and good photos of your products. Everyone knows that good SEO is must do and it is really #1 for online selling, but if you don't have good photos - people will find your products but not necessarily buy. Online shopping is all about photos. Customers can't touch or see item in detail so it's seller's responsibility to show products in the best possible way. Buyers basically buy a photo... until they get the item :)

And of course another important thing would be to know your targeted audience, analyzing your stats to know where your buyers come from and what are the most popular items they look for etc. With good analysis you would know what products to focus on, maybe expand the line of specific products ... And also you would know which promotion works best for you - social networks, blogs, maybe personal selling.. This is very different in each case.

I believe strategies would vary based on what you sell...But good customer service and wide variety of products are good for any business :) Maybe someone else will give you more tips and ideas!

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