How to use the Keyword tool
Finding right keywords for your products might be frustrating and exhausting. Our Keyword tool was created to help you analyze Etsy search results for different keywords and pick perfect keywords for your products. Also it allows you to track your items performance in search to see which keywords work better and how your changes impact your items position in search results. Let's take a closer look at all features that Keyword tool provides.
To start with a Keyword tool you need to open "SEO -> Keywords" tab. You will see a field to put in the keyword you want to check. To show you all the features of this tool we will be using "mother's day gift" keyword as an example.
You can also select a category (or subcategory) if you want to see search results for specific category, instead of results from whole Etsy search. There is a huge list of categories to choose from. By default it's blank (no category chosen).
Now click on the search button or just press enter. This will run a search analysis process and a page full of stats for this keyword will show up after the analysis is done.
By default we are analyzing first 100 search results, but you can choose different number of lisings for analyss.
If any of your shop listings appear in these 100 results they will be showed right under this sign with the position, page number and major stats for each item.
Now there is a big table of all matching items for your search query. You can set how many items you want to see per page of the table (by default it's 10).
And also on the right side of the table you can filter results to show only specific items. For example, you can filter them by word "sale" to see only items that are on sale right now, or by a store name to see only item from a specific store, etc.
Let's look closer to the results table.
Here you can see all items from search results with their stats: price, favorites per month, views per month, total favorites, total views and percentage of views that turned into favorites. This is a summary table for all listings data that will be shown in graphs below. You can play with it: sort it by any column, compare shown values, views and likes number.
Now it's time to take a look at each metric.
There are two graphs representing pricing data. First is price itself for each item vs. search results position.
Above the graph you can find very useful information for this keyword: minimum, average, median and maximum price. Also you are free to move your mouse over the graph to see exact numbers for each position.
Second graph shows you price spread for the keyword.
For example, from this graph for "mother's day gift" keyword we can say that most prices for first 100 search results are between $10 - $30 USD, then goes $30 - $50 USD, and then several items with different higher prices.
This graph might be more clear if you change the results number from 100 to 500. Here is the same graph for "mother's day gift" keyword for first 500 results.
Now on this graph you can clearly see that most items are in $1 - $50 USD range, then goes $50 - $100 USD and a few separate items with higher prices. If you want to optimize your items for this keyword these graphs can help you understand what price would be the best for your products.
Favorites and views
Next goes favorites and views charts. On the first graph you can see total favorites and views numbers for each item from search results comparing to it's position.
By the way, if you think the graph is too busy and it's hard to see the details - you can switch off any metric. To do that just click the line you don't want to see at the legend under the graph. Here is the same graph with favorites percentage line switched off.
The second graph shows you the number of favorites and views per month.
You can see that items from first page get much more views than other items. Favorites amount diffeerence is not that big on the other hand. And you might also notice that for some reason first 10 items get less views and favorites then items from 10 to 42 places.
Listings recency
Now to one of the most interesting graphs. Listings recency shows you how long days ago the items were renewed.
As you can see, at this time of year "mother's day gift" is very popular keyword and most of the items were relisted the same day or at most day or two ago. It's easy to explain - when item is relisted (after purchase or manually) it goes slightly higher in search results. So basically, on the first couple of pages you will find items that has been bought recently. If you optimizing your items for this keyword and you see that there are a lot of items that were relisted just day or so ago - you might want to relist your products manually to get better positions competing with those items.
Here is also a more detailed pie chart on listings recency. It shows you exact day and time of renewals.
I've made this screenshot on Tue and as you can see that Tue takes almost all chart, as most items were renewed that same day. But here you can also see the exact time of the day when items were renewed. Most of them were renewed between 6 AM and 7 AM.
Related keywords
Next you can see a table of related keywords.
You can choose how many keywords per page you want to see, sort it by any column and apply filter if you want. You can see an average price, average favorites per month and view per month number, average favorites per item, views per item and average percentage of views that turned into favorites for listings within these keywords.
Under this table you can find same represented as a keyword cloud. In this way it is very easy to show the most popular keywords.
Trending keywords
The last block of information here is the trending keywords. They are represented as a table and as a keyword cloud just like related keywords above.
That's all information you can get from the analysis, but that's not all you can do with Keyword tool! You can add keywords to your tracking list to see how your items are performing in time.
To add a keyword to tracking list go back to "SEO -> Keyword tool" page and enter the keyword you want to track but this time press plus button on the right of the text field. This will add the keyword to your tracking list.
If one of your products is found on the first 10 pages of search results then its position will be shown on the graphs below. It will be updating daily to show changes in the search result positions. It will look similar to this:
This graph will show you only top position of your all items found for this keyword. But if you click on this graph it will bring you to a page with a graph of all your items positions found for this keyword throughout the time.
In the legend to this graph you can see your listing IDs (as they appear on Etsy). And under the graph you can find the table of these items with their stats. In addition to regular data (price, views per month, favorites per month, percentage of views that turned into favorites, etc) you can also see sales number, recency of the item, favorites per sale and views per sale. This info will be shown to listing owners only.
Next you'll see a market price insights for this keyword.
You can see minimum, median and maximum price on this graph. You can also switch off any of the lines to see better some areas and zoom in/zoom out by clicking and dragging on the graph.
Next graph shows you listings number and how many shops are competing based on search results first 10 pages analyss.
And the last one here is views and favorites insights for first 10 pages of search results.
It gives you an idea of how popular this tag was recently. On the graph above you can see that views and favorites started to grow recently as more and more people searchin for mother's day gifts starting middle of April.
Please note that you can add a keyword for tracking in a specific category as well. Just enter a keyword, select a category (or subcategory) and click plus icon to add it to tracking list.
Now when you have a few keywords to track they will show up on the main page of Keyword tool so you will be able to see how your items are performing in time.
If some of your keywords doesn't appear on the first 10 pages of search results then their graphs won't be shown to you. However you still can find those keywords at the bottom of the page if you click on "Show all keywords" button. As soon as any of your items appear in search results for these keywords again the graph will pick them up and will be back on the main page of the Keyword tool.
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I really like the never ending list of tools that is available to me! The weekly reports give insights on what is working and what is ultimately a waste of my time. Most of all, I like the keywords/tags analyzer and how much it helped to get my products that had little to no exposure seen.