How long does it take to start sales event?
Any sales event setup process is very straightforward and takes about one minute (depends on listings you want to include/exclude from the event). The actual listings change process takes a little bit more. Typical time for full propagation is 5-10 minutes after sales event start time and directly depends on the number of listings you want to put on sale.
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How does sales event manager work?
It's very easy to schedule new sales event with Seller Tools. Read more...
How to run Etsy sale
Instructions on how to create a sale in your Etsy shop. Read more...
How to stop my sales event?
To stop your sales event click "edit" near it and then click "Cancel sales event". Read more...
I want to change title/description or add more variations during sales event
You are free to make any changes during sales event. Please go ahead and modify your listings. Read more...
Sales event manager guidelines
Sales event manager is a tool from Seller Tools which provides smart and no hassle way for running sales events. It supports two types of sales events - regular sales and clearances. Read more...
Will regular listings price be back after sales event is over?
Yes, we always restore your regular listing price unless you change it manually during sales event. In this case we will calculate after sales event price based on your settings and set it. Read more...
Help center categories
It has allowed us to clear out old inventory with the sale feature! Our Etsy sales are 293% up since we started using Seller Tools! We are very happy to finally have our Etsy Store as successful as our Amazon!