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Inventory value

I just did a market research for a keyword, and noticed that there is something called as "inventory Value".What I would like to know is, how is it being counted? Based on how many items for each keyword? or based on how often listing renew and etsy add cost?


Hi Cisca,

the inventory value is calculated for a shop (or a shop section) based on a product price and product quantity values. Basically, it's a total value of goods available for sale: sum(price*quantity).


Okay :), thanks for your prompt response.Could you please advice, how to get high product quantity values?

Not sure what you want to achieve here... You can set for any of your products how many of those you have for sale. For example, for digital downloads sellers often put 100+ because they don't need to make it from scratch and want those products be always available for sale (download).

If this is not what you meant, please add more details.

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