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How do you get 500 posts a day???

I've spent days and days building my digital photography shop. I read all suggestions and implement many. I want to spend time doing the necessary things but WHAT ARE THEY? What basic, bottom line stuff should I be doing? I lucky to get 2 views a day. I display at art shows, have clearly understandable business cards available, I have sold 3 pictures on Etsy but I know there's much more I can do. What is it? Thank you for any and all specific suggestions.


Robert, there is no an easy answer to your question. Many shops use multiple traffic sources, like internal Etsy search visits (SEO), Google search, social media, paid ads, promoted listings, etc. I'd suggest to start from optimization of your product titles/descriptions/tags for relevant search results.

If you know your target audience you can buy social media or context ads. It's good idea to balance free/paid traffic sources based on your budget and grow strategy.

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