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Help with customer reviews

Hello! I was wondering how should I set my shop settings so my customers have more time to leave me a review? Some of them are getting frustrated about not be able to leave a review after a little time has past. Thank you in advance!


Customers have 60 days to leave a review. The review window doesn't open for a period of time after the order has been sent. It depends on your processing time are and where the item is going to.


You can change your processing times to when the item is actually expected to ship. That will give you a bigger window also help with people knowing when to expect your item to ship.


Just make sure that you actually ship around your processing time. If you set a 4 week processing time and ship in 1 week, your buyers will have to wait almost a month before they're allowed to leave a review - this might be frustrating as well.



Are this 60 days starts from the day the order is placed or from the day the order is shipped out? Please, confirm?


Hi Villy,

These 60 days starts from the estimated delivery date. So basically it is purchase date + processing time + shipping time = the date those 60 days will start to count from.

Here is more info about review system on Etsy here on Etsy Help Center


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