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FAQ for your Etsy shop

Hi all!

Did you know that with the new shop view you can add an FAQ as a separate info-block to every page of your items? As long as your FAQ is empty by default it doesn't show up in your shop. Once you add at least one Question to the block you and your visitors will start seeing FAQ under your description of the item.

To add an FAQ just go to your shop home page and click on "Edit shop" button on the top of the page (right next to your shop logo). Now go to the very bottom of the page to "More information" block and there you'll find a "Frequently asked questions" section. Now click on "Add an FAQ" link and add questions and answers. There are 5 default questions and also you can add your own custom questions under "Custom" option. Your questions may contain up to 300 characters and answers could be as long as 750 characters.

If you can't come up with an idea of what to put in those custom questions just think of all the questions you get from customers, even if they seem really obvious to you. It might be details about your packaging (if you sell fragile items, for instance), or shipping upgrade option, materials, etc.

Now when you're finished don't forget to hit "View shop" button on the bottom right of the page to exit edit mode. That's it! Now you can check your FAQs on each product page :)

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